Esther Priyadharshini (University of East Anglia, School of Education and Lifelong Learning)
Harry Dyer (University of East Anglia, School of Education and Lifelong Learning)
Alex Schmoelz (University of Vienna, Department of Education; Austrian Institute for Research on Vocational Education and Training)
Victoria Carrington (University of Tasmania, School of Education)
Editorial Assistants
Abir Nasr (University of Bristol)
Nick Gray (University of Bristol)
Associate Editors
Andre Brock (Georgia Institute of Technology, School of Literature, Media, and Communication)
Christian Swertz (University of Vienna, Department of Education)
Christopher Walsh (Victoria University, College of Arts and Education)
Daniel Ashton (University of Southampton, Winchester School of Art)
Donna Alexander (DARIAH Ireland, Digital Arts and Humanities)
Edmund Barker (Institue of Education, Department of Culture, Communication and Media)
Huw Davies (University of Edinburgh’s Moray House School of Education and Sport)
Judith Kleine Staarman (University of Exeter, School of Education)
Jen Ross (University of Edinburgh’s Moray House School of Education and Sport)
Jesse Miller (Mediated Reality, Western Canada)
Mark Carrigan (University of Cambridge, Faculty of Education)
Naomi Barnes (Queensland University of Technology, Faculty of Education)
Narelle Lemon (Swinburne University of Technology, Department of Education)
Phoenix Andrews (The University of Sheffield, Information School)
Safiya Noble (University of California, Los Angeles, Department of Information Studies
Zoetanya Sujon (London College of Communication, Communications and Media)