Book Review: Food Insecurity on Campus: Action and Intervention. Editors: Katharine M. Broton and Clare L. Cady

Review written by: Farhana Ghaffar

From the images of snaking queues outside community food banks in the US to the ongoing campaigning over the funding of free school meals for schoolchildren from the poorest backgrounds in the UK, as Covid-19 has blazed across the world, it has exposed in its wake the glaring universal injustice of food insecurity that has stalked the reality of everyday existence for many long before the pandemic struck. Against this backdrop, Broton and Cady’s Food Insecurity on Campus: Action and Intervention, a collection of essays which threads together the experiences and expertise of a richly diverse group of US Higher Education practitioners, student activists and academics, each chapter offering a unique insight into the effects of food insecurity and potential practical solutions to eradicate it from our campuses, is a timely and highly pertinent contribution, with relevance to those with a vested interest in student inequalities both in and beyond the US.